Sunday 19 February 2012

Exam Project / Life Cycle Project - In Depth Analysis - Andy Goldsworthy

- This piece of artwork was made by Andy Goldsworthy called ''Rowans leaves and Hole'' 
- Goldsworthy is also a sculpture which display through his world of sculpting the image before taking the picture. 
- He likes to work with natural things and the seasons around him e.g if it's snowing, he'll work with the snow.
- From a child he began to sculpt from potatoes, on the farm he lived on. He then went to Bradford college of Art and then went onto University of Central Lancashire.
- He is also the subject of the 2001 documentary ''Rivers and Tides'' directed by Thomas Riedelsheimer 

- because of the use of leaves and natural object, make the image very real 

- I think using natural object in his images gives it a nice meaning as the art will eventually move or die and decay and he took the image at it's peak. 
- The use of colour could give the image a narrative of symbolising the seasons with the bright colours. 
-  they different stages of colours giving the picture a sense of movement, and rhythm, flowing just like the cycle of the seasons.
- I think using the red,oranges,yellow gives it quite a fiery effect and make it bright and attractive to look at, although the black hole in the middle draws you in. 
- I think they object were just found and put into place before taking the picture. 

- I think the work would be associated with nature and that would be the theme.

- I think the use of contrasting colours; the brights with the darks could symbolise where's there's good there is bad, good vs evil. 
- reading biography of goldsworthy and seeing some quotes shows he enjoys creating work with nature and then taking a picture before it goes away. He just works with nature and land. 

- This piece of work makes me think of all the different seasons. 
- when I first looked at the work I enjoyed the different variations of colours but at first the black hole drew me in.
- i like andy goldsworthy work as I think working with natural things and make them look beautiful can be interesting, but it's also quite touching that after the image has been taken the art work may be destroyed.
- Now i will try and take more images regarding nature. 

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