Monday 5 November 2012

Enhaced Image Project - Evaluation

For this project we had to list a theme of photography we were interested in and incorporated into our new learned techniques. We then studied a range of artist using different technique we were going to learn to inspire ourselves. I came up with the ideas of my final project through experimentation of technique I had newly learnt (bleaching) and also looking at previous students work that they had done over the years (liquid emulsion)

At first my ideas were around the theme urban vs suburban and I wanted to document this through buildings. As time progressed through the project I was researching into artists involved in Photojournalism. I was really interested in these images as I felt they were strong and powerful and also relevant to today. They are also taken in black and white which is what I use for my photographs. I felt that by taking image with meaning behind them and going and enhancing them with a techniques like highlighting, dodging and burning and bleaching, we could empathize key areas and give them images more dept. This is when I decided this would be what I based my final outcome around. I then went a researched into local protests around me.

I decided I wanted to do bleaching when we did experimentation with it and I really enjoyed it as I felt it was really touch and go and being exciting of taking a risk of putting your image in bleach and not knowing how the final outcome was going to be like. I really enjoyed this feeling and also like the effect the bleach gave my images and decided that I wanted to incorporate this into my final piece onto a mounted sheet.

I also wanted to use liquid emulsion to present my images. I originally got this idea form a previous student. I then went to research artist who used the same technique. I found Arnold Mariashin who also used this material. I enjoyed looking at his images and this confirmed to me that this is the material that i wanted to use.

I then went onto experimenting with the liquid emulsion to make sure I had the right time settings for my final piece. I think that I had chosen the right negatives that I had taken that was a big poster with big bold text that would compliment the liquid emulsion. I think this also worked well that the brush stroke effect and rough border made it look like a unused poster which I felt was relevant to my chosen theme.

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