Saturday 3 November 2012

Enhanced Image Project- Development Of Final Outcome

practicing for paper cutting

practicing on photo copies on liquid emulsion

liquid emulsion - too dark to use

liquid emulsion - photograph didn't show as well as I wanted

more practicing on photocopies

liquid emulsion
These are some of the liquid emulsions that didn't come out quite as well which is why I decided to only use one in the end as the image came through the best. The reason why I think they didn't come out the best is because the liquid emulsion wasn't left long along to dry so didn't work to it's full potential. In the future if I was using liquid emulsion again I would leave it to dry overnight before exposing it to the liquid emulsion.
The symbols are inspired by the artist donna ruff which is what i decided to do with the liquid emulsion print that worked and draw out these onto the print and cut them out.

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