Wednesday 4 January 2012

Digital/SLR film images based on the Light project

Here are some experimentations reinforcing the project light using a torch with different coloured tissue paper over the top to create different colours. With adjusted the shutter speed for 10 seconds.

 I also experimented wit a laser pen also having the shutter speed on 10 seconds.

  I then lead on to doing some more images with a laser using a SLR film camera adjusting onto the B setting, allowing you to hold the shutter button down for aslong you want to take the image.

shutter speed 5 seconds,filter 3,5 aperture 11, exposed 2 seconds.

test strip - filter 3,5 aperture 11, exposed 2 seconds.

shutter speed 10 seconds,filter 3,5 aperture 11, exposed 2 seconds.

shutter speed 15 seconds,filter 3,5 aperture 11, exposed 2 seconds.

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