Wednesday 25 January 2012

The Light Project - Evaluation.

For this project I was required to learn different types of lighting, research the background of it, find out about artist who use light, but to also create our own light drawings with film SLR, and digital SLR with different materials such as; torches, lazer pens, Glow Doodle on the Mac's and experiment on Adobe Photoshop. This project involved doing some research about artist and the history of light and when different types of light came into practice, it also involved experimenting yourself and learning how to use light in different ways for example the best lighting for a still life portrait on a model. It also involved me improving my Adobe Photoshop skills in going back on my original images and trying to improve with maybe enhancing the colours, overlaying images. etc.The aim of this project was to learn more about light and then for us to put into practice and producing our own final outcomes.

For this project i looked at 3 different artist who had done some light photography, each looking at it in different ways, Pablo Picasso, Patrick Roachon and Eric Staller. i Learned  different things from all artist but what they all had in common is the majority of images created were unintentional  and were randomly designed. In particular Patrick Roachon, were he would named his images after looking at them saying and saying that first came into his head. This inspired me in my own work.

Having looking at these artists, i decided to have a the same approach and try to ''go with the flow'' and not try and plan my images as you will see and come out with randomly designed effects. i mostly took this approach with my experiment with the digital SLR and my own digital camera which is my 2nd mounted sheet.

Overall i was please with my final outcome but also other pieces i had created along the way. With this project i tried to think outside the box in what i could take pictures with as i don't have my own digital SLR or film SLR, so i decided to take some on my mobile phone and see the effect as i felt it's relevant as we are constantly on our phones. I am proud that i have improved my photo shop skills but also my attention to the quality of prints in the darkroom, this project has given me confidence in being a great photographer. Some images hadn't had the same effect once scanned through and uploading to my blog so i was a bit disappointing at that.

I was pleased with all my images and very happy with this project, the amount of detail i concentrated on shows through my blog and my 2nd mounted sheets. i would like to take light paintings,drawings and images in the future as i enjoyed doing so.

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