Wednesday 4 January 2012

Still Life/Portrait Contact Sheet, Test Strips + Prints

Here are some images of still life experimenting with life, I took some with an SLR film camera but most of them was not successful and I only had one best print, the rest of the images were taken with my digital camera. 

Still Life image with SLR film camera, Aperture 11, Exposed 2.0 Seconds, Filter 4,5

The rest of these images were taken with my digital camera with objects I collected around my house that reflected light, I experiment with my camera settings and these were my results. 

We then moved on to a portrait workshop and using others member of the class as models and using artificial light, (lamps,studio lights) to emphasize certain features or hide them away.  

exposure 2,5 seconds aperture 8  filter 2,0

exposure 2,5 seconds aperture 8  filter 2,0

exposure 2,5 seconds aperture 8  filter 2,0

exposure 2,5 seconds aperture 8  filter 2,0
exposure 2,5 seconds aperture 8  filter 2,0

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