For this project we had the freedom to do pretty much whatever we wanted with our new learnt techniques from the last project. Still involving our theme we chose at the beginning of the year, mine being 'documentary'. For this project we had to chose three artist of our choice and research about them, presenting our ideas through the project and produce a final outcome at the end.
I researched three different artist to help me with my ideas. I also looked through pinterest at different techniques of others. I wanted to look a lot about distortion and out of focus images. I then began to find other artists like Tin Tin Cooper that used these techniques which I then began to practice those techniques and evolve them into my own. playing around with scales and colours.
Tin Tin Cooper and Lin Tianmiao were the main influence over my final as i adopted both techniques of photo weaving and out of focus images. I also re worked the idea of out of focus and cut my images up into strips and masked certain makes in order reinforce the idea of distortion. Also the idea I got my final outcome from was Jason Travis with photographing models with everyday objects underneath. I liked the idea of having a little insight and story about the person and finding out what precious to them for them to have and carry around everyday. I wanted to take this idea and make it in two my own. With help from the other two artists I was able to do so.
I think the photo weaving worked particularly well and I really liked the way the came out playing around with the scales of the weaves to create a more interesting effect. I am really happy with my outcome as I felt I have taking Jason Travis idea and improved it and made it my own.
If I could improve my final outcome I would have retaken my darkroom images as I feel that the out of focus touch looks almost accidental and I wanted it to come across that I intentionally made the images out of focus. Also if I had taken better care of my negatives they wouldn't scratched and I could have used a lot more photographs and wouldn't have been so limited.
Overall, I found this project interesting as we had a lot more freedom than what we have had in the past. We were allowed to really improve our own techniques that we have enjoy throughout the whole photography course and manipulate this into one final outcome. By having less pressure and freedom, it made me pushed myself and think about what style I wanted to have and what kind of photographer I wanted to be. Again, I really enjoyed this project and very happy with my final outcome.