Thursday 28 February 2013

Exam Project - Indepth Anaylsis - Eve Arnolds

The image of Marylin Monroe was taken by a Photographer called Eve Arnolds. Eve Arnolds was American  and was born in Philadelphia in 1912 and died aged 99 in January 2012. She's has been a photographer since 1946 and photography in 1948 and the new school of social research. She was based in the Us but went to england in 1962. She had a solo exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum in 1980 and also won many awards including National Achievement Award in China and Lifetime achievement award america society of magazine photographers. In 1995 she was made a member Royal Photographic Society. The image is of Marilyn is resting on a bed in black and white whilst making a film called ''Misfits'' Screen played by Arthur Miller. Eve Arnolds said:

''If a photographer cares about the people before the lens and is compassionate much is given. It is the photographer, not the camera, that is the instrument. '' -

The composition of the image is straight on above the model quite close up but allowing some background in the frame so it's obvious she lying on the bed. The image is in black and white and quite contrasty with the white pillows and the models dark make up. I think there's a nice balance between the two tones as the contrast is not overwhelming. I think the fact that is black and white make the image look quite basic and simple.  I think the arrangement of the image is visually pleasing.

I think that Arnolds would have told the model to be natural and I think this pose reflects this.  I think she was used a black and white film camera with not any lights. As then has gone in the darkroom and maybe cropped down her image a little bit and kept the filters quite low and making sure that the image comes out quite natural. I think that maybe some dodging and burning was involved on the models face as the image looks quite light.

I like this image as I think that the atmosphere was chilled and comfortable and the models looks very naturally and doesn't looked forced. I can image that the model had a very good relationship with the photographer which is symbolic in the photograph. I think it was to come across as simple but beautiful. I like images that haven't have much edited and was taken perfectly in the first place. Words that come to mine when i see this image is natural, calm, beauty, feminine, intimate, close.

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