Tuesday 12 February 2013

Exam Unit - Chosen Starting Point

     I have chosen this starting point because the theme really interests me. This is a theme that I haven't really               visited during the course so I felt like I wanted todo something different. I also felt like you could do a lot of interesting things with the theme and you many techniques such as double exposure and mirroring etc. To provide my researches I will be looking up artists through their websites and looking at photography websites to research these artists. I plan to look at Cindy Sherman for this theme as I have researched her before and found her work very interesting. I also plan to look at Eve Arnolds and Bruce Davidson because they look interesting to me also.I'd like to work with different materials during photo shoots for example props. I really want to push myself and try different techniques I have never used before. I also like to experiment with different use of materials like build up layers in top if one another for example paint. The experiments I would like to make and really bright colourful images. 

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