Thursday 28 February 2013

Exam Unit - Second Starting Point - Everyday Life

  • Why have you selected this starting point?
  • What are you planning to look at for primary/secondary research?
  • Which artists/designers will you be looking at (you must select a minimum of 3 from the theme)
  • What materials/techniques would you like to experiment with? 
  • Which experiment(s) are you planning to make?

I've selected this starting point as I think it's interesting to capture everyday things that we would usually ignore. I think there's something interesting about not taking picture of obvious beautiful things but capture the ordinary things we usually don't take notice of. For my primary research I am going to places to take pictures. For my secondary research I am going to go onto pinterest for inspiration and also research some individual photographers. I would be looking at Man Ray as I've seen his work before and loved his work and would be interesting to look again. For my experiments I would be looking at reflections and looking at compositions and framing. 

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