Friday 1 March 2013

Digital Experiments Extended

Here is the contact for the original photographs 
I have taken digitally and then assessed alterations for them.

For this one i changed the brightness and contrast of the images
to enhance the colours. 

For this one I again experimented with the exposure tool,brightness and contrast. I felt like this made the image more in focus. 

This one was my favourite, I particularly liked the colours so I wanted to enhance them. I didn't do much else and I felt the image was fine on it's own.

turned up the contrast of the image

For this one I enhanced the colours ti really bring out the text,
I also added the posterise tool to give the image another layer.

These images were all taken in the evening at southbank. I wanted to take images of things in the night and see how they look differently. I really like how the images came out with the bright lights.

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