Monday, 29 April 2013

Exam Unit - Presentation Experiments.

wine glass. first attempt at experimentation outcomes. 

turned other to the other side. 

By looking at Tracey Emin art work of ''My Bed''. This is given me inspiration of my presentation idea. By using Inzajeano Latif same technique of how people interaction with their environment, I want to also combine Emin's technique also. My photographs involving females being rebellious and presenting the bad lifestyle; drinking,smoking and being provocative. Then tearing up the images and placing other relevant objects to the theme. I then want to use Tracey Emin's technique of creating a dirty, grotty installation of the collaged photographed images and place them in a way to be rephotographed into a still life. I really like this idea and this will work really well combining the two techniques. I think that this will really be an appropriate and interesting of presenting my photographs making it relevant but also making it visually interesting and attractive at the same time.

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