Wednesday 25 April 2012

test strip, aperture set 16 for sharpness, filter set to 5,0, time scale 3,0 

inspired by Laura Horne,3,0 seconds, ap,16, filter, 3,5 

teststrip, 3,0 seconds each, ap,16, filter, 5,0 

9,0 seonds, filter 5,0, ap,16

I then went to Google+ and tried to experiment
to improve this image, I used colour tint effect to the colour blue,
and then used the focal pixelate tool and reverse the effect to emphasize their face.

Again with the same negative, I put another on top creating a multi- exposure.
20, seconds,, filter 5,0 , ap 16. 

I decided to use another technique to see what would happen.
I tried a couple times to combine a photo gram and it wouldn't work
I realised I need to cover the section I wanted to use because
it was getting over exposed. I used black card and cut the piece I wanted
exposed the rest for 20 seconds, filter 5,0 ap,16. I then got my object and  exposed
it for a couple of seconds whilst the rest of it was covered with black paper.
This is my result. 

After that, i scanned it through the computer and edited it on Google+,
i used the heat map tool on the thermal setting and put text overly and faded it out.
I also drew on some hearts in random places. 

6,0 seconds, filter 5,0 ap,16

6,0 seconds 5,0 filter ap,16

editor on Google+, used duo-tone tool and chosen pink and green contrasty colours,
used text overlay and played around with the sizes and fading. 

7,5 seconds, filter 5,0, ap 16,0 

6,0, filter 5,0 ap,16

6,0 seconds, filter 5,0, ap 16,0

edited on Google+, used duo-tone tool again, used pink colours,
again, using focal pixelate and reverse the effect and then altered the pixel size

This is three techniques combined, I have used 2 negatives, one on top
of each other and then written some words on tracing and placed it onto the paper,
20 seconds, f 5,0, ap 16,0 - thought it maybe too light.

Tried again on a different setting, 30 secs, ap, 16,0, filter 5,0
Here are a range of my experiment in the darkroom and some then go onto the computer and used Google+ (used to be picnik) Some i will re create for the exam.

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