Friday 13 July 2012

Fashion Photography: This is an image I have taken from google images researching fashion photography. This image in particular drew my attention with the bright bold colours. I Like this image as it is unique and supports a wide range of colour. I also like the nice finish with the editing. This could inspire me to do this for myself at a later date.

Contemporary:  This is also an image I have taken from google images. I liked the dark colours which makes it look quite mysterious. This made it interesting for me. I particularly like images of nature anyway which made it even better. 

Landscape: Taken from google images. I have chosen this one because of the contrast in colours. I like that the grass is a bright green against grey dark clouds. Makes it more attractive to look at  with the opposite colours and moods.

Documentary: Taken from google images. Most of documentary photography are in black and white and I think this is because it adds more emotion to the images. This is a genre of Photography I would like to do in the future after college as I feel it is not realistic to do yet.  This image is very emotive. 

Figure Studies:  Taken from google images.  Image is also in black and white. The light is shone on one specific area leaving the rest black. This makes the audience eager to see more of the person and see everything that is going on. Therefore keeping the audience engaged. 

Architecture:  Taken from google images. 
With the photography taken from that angle you were able to see the whole tower. Making it black and white it has enhanced the towers features and made it look beautiful. Also the dark clouds around the tower makes it center point and more visually attractive.

1 comment:

  1. Please add an image at the bottom of this post to say that this is now your A2 work to make it easier for the examiner. Something that says 'A2 Contextual Studies' would be good!
