Sunday 30 September 2012

Enhanced Image Project - Dodging and Burning

For today's lesson we were introduced to improving our prints with a technique called dodging and burning.
This effect is where you expose different light setting to different areas of your prints to either lightening or darken areas.
8 seconds, as you can see a little under exposed sky 

9,0 seconds but the building is far too dark 

dodging and burning attempt 1; used an old print of the same negative and cut out the pieces ,e.g the sky and the building. First I covered the building and exposed the sky for 9 seconds and then covered the sky and exsposed the paper to 5 seconds

here the same settings but I think when i exposed the building I turned the aperture down which gave it this under exposed ghostly effect.

with the previous prints, I just placed the old print of top but as you can I was using two pieces, you can see where the paper laid, so for this one i just hovered the paper above as the light was exposed. But as you can see again there a shadow effect above the buildings. 

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