Friday 29 March 2013

Exam Project - Digital Experiments

Looking at the starting point of inner character I decided to take these digital images to try and create an emotion. I tried to use artificial lighting to create some nice highlights and shadows. Here are my orginals before edited. 

Then I started edited them to really try and enhance my images as much as possible. I used a photo editing site to create the effects.
Use duo tone effect of two different tones of pink. I like using two of the same colour and the fact that some of image you cant really see any more. Maybe need to have some more shadows to pick up more detail. I decided to use this effect as I have never done it before. Completely changing the colour makes it quite interesting.

This is called 'grunge effect'. I really like this effect as I think that it really adds to the distressed mood I wanted to create. I think it really gives it dark mood. 

For this image I used high contrast and high sharpness to really capture all the detail. I really like this edit as it has captured all the detail the camera and lighting didn't really catch. It really enhanced all the colours.  

Brightness and contrast has been taken up. Just really clean I think that the soft focus really compliments the lighting and work very well together. 

I have de saturated the colour I little bit, I felt this impacted the emotion. I have also used the edit focal zoom. This has created some depth of field. The zoom adds to the image and she looks lost and fade out of the image make her centre image. 

I have used the pixel effect, you get to choose where about you want it. I also used high contrast. to really enhance the colours.

I have played around with the levels, brightness and contrast,. I really wanted to highlight ever, If needed I would crop as I really don't like the composition of these images now. 

I really like these image and felt I have perused what I wanted todo. I used artist Latif's ideas and developed them further into my own. I wanted to take images of reflective emotion. Not image has to be clean and planned and pretty, sometimes realistic raw image can be visually interesting too.

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