Friday 13 July 2012

AS-A2 - My Chosen Genre 

this is an image that I have taken from google images by just typing in landscape photography.
I really like the composition of this photography and we have a great view of both the sea and the sky.
The colours give it a warm feeling and a calming mood. You can also see that some editing would have been done to enhance the colour even more. By the looks of this image it looks like the photography has gone along to the beach to capture the sun setting along with a great view of the bridge here. I like this image as it reminds me of a calming place we all go to at the end of the day and also looks like an image where you could put on canvas and place on your wall at home. 

I also really like this image as it is of my hometown London. Again, this image was taken from google images under the title Landscape photography. I particularly really like this image as it is taken from really far away but you can see in the distance the city line along with the sun about to rise. It reminds of different times - that London had gone to sleep and now we are going to wake up again.With the sun being so bright, that is my main focal point and all the dark colour around also help it be the centre point.

I really like this image due to the colours. As there are not that many and the very plain pastel colour gives the images a warm feeling. Gives a story of maybe a long journey and the person has now reached its destination which is in the background. Again, this is something I would like to have on my wall and it's really simplistic and not too busy which is photographs that I prefer. 

When I look at this image I think of religion. It looks as though the heavens have opened  onto the water. this could symbolise some sort of message is being given or it is a sign. This could also interpreted as opposite, almost like ying and yang. The dark navy colours and grey and black with the white shinning through the middle. This could be a beginning of a movie and a rainy setting. When I look at it I think of bad weather and storms and negative feelings. At the same time I like it because it gives you that feeling when it has been badly raining and that moment when it stops and the sun about to come through. 
My chosen genre is landscape as this has been my favourite genre to look at whilst researching the selected themes. I have think it would be a reasonably realistic to specialised myself in for A2 photography. 

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