Friday 13 July 2012

Typography Photograph 

I created this image using Photoshop and my original picture in. I then separated them using layers ''Midtones'' and ''Shadows''. Then used a plain white background to fill the gaps. Once this was done I merged the two layers together and made another new one to create my brush. 

On a new page, I selected the text I wanted and typed the text I wanted. Once I had done that I went into edit, define brush preset and made the text a brush.

I went back to the original document and got my brush tool, the colour was on black and making sure this was the empty layer I painting the brush all over the page. After a couple of times I adjusted the size and repeated the same process until the page was covered. Click layer mask on text layer, hide layer, select layer 1, select all,  copy, show text layer, click on the layer mask (white square), paste your selection.

You then have to invert,hide layer 1, create new layer, drag it down so its underneath text layer and fill it white.Select text layer blending options blending mode on screen - choose gradient - edit scale and angle. Click on brush tool, soft brush size 30 opacity 30,paintbrush over certain layers to get rid of excess white.

My final result didn't very well and I think this lead onto the original image itself. This also is an image that doesn't relate to my theme but I plan to do more of these experiments with my own photographs. 

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